Laws & Regulations - Air Pollution Control Ordinance (EPD)
09/12/12 02:01
The Air Pollution Control Ordinance (APCO) is the principal law for managing air quality. Regulations cover specific areas related to air pollution, such as power plant emissions, motor vehicle fuel and emissions, asbestos control, volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions, construction dust and industrial emissions.
In Section 51 - 80 of Control of Environmental Asbestos, apart from the power of issuing Asbestos Abatement Notice to abate asbestos emissions, the Ordinance also provides a registration system to control asbestos work. Details of the Laws, please refer to Bilingual Laws Information System of Department of Justice.
In Section 51 - 80 of Control of Environmental Asbestos, apart from the power of issuing Asbestos Abatement Notice to abate asbestos emissions, the Ordinance also provides a registration system to control asbestos work. Details of the Laws, please refer to Bilingual Laws Information System of Department of Justice.